Siblings Delux Travel System
The Siblings Delux travel system is a premium package for baby and toddler. The package includes the Double Trouble Twin Pram, one Double Trouble carry cot, one infant car seat and one corresponding car seat base. By simply removing the infant car seat from the click and go car seat base you can install it onto the Double Trouble Twin Pram without disturbing your sleeping baby. At the same time your toddler will be comfortable in a reclining stroller seat which has both forward and parent facing seat modes. Not only is this twin pram built to accommodate two children but also to handle any terrain with it’s large wheels, suspension and rubberized wheels.
Siblings Delux
Travel System Includes
Double Trouble Twin Pram
Double Trouble Soft Carry Cot x 1
Infant Car Seat x 1
Car Seat Base x 1
Siblings Delux
Travel System Includes
Double Trouble Twin Pram
Double Trouble Carry Cot x 1
Infant Car Seat x 1
Car Seat Base x 1
The Siblings Delux package includes the Double Trouble Twin Pram, one infant car seat, one Double Trouble Carry Cot as well as one Car Seat Base. The package options are available below.