Twin Travel System Comfort Delux

The Comfort Delux twin travel system is a 3 in 1 Travel System offering the best in comfort for twins. The travel systems includes the Double Trouble Twin Pram, two Double Trouble carry cots and two infant car seats.  In addition, the carry cots and car seats are simple and easy to move from the twin pram to the car. This travel system is ideal for babies born in winter, premature infants and small babies as the comfy carry cots will keep them snug and warm.

Twin pram in grey melange
Twin travel system with two baby car seats
Double Trouble twin with reclining seats facing mom
Twin pram in black with two carry cots

Comfort Delux
Travel System Includes

Double Trouble Twin Pram
Double Trouble Carry Cots x 2
Infant Car Seats x 2

Comfort Delux

Travel System Includes

Double Trouble Twin Pram
Double Trouble Carry Cots x 2
Infant Car Seats x 2

 Comfort Delux Travel System Options

The Comfort Delux package includes the Double Trouble Twin Pram, two Double Trouble carry cots and two infant (0-13kg) car seats. The package options are available below.

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