This Website is provided to you “as is”. While Double Trouble takes reasonable measures to ensure that the contents of this Website are accurate and complete, Double Trouble makes no representations or warranties, whether express or implied, as to the quality, timeliness, operation, integrity, availability or functionality of this Website or as to the accuracy, completeness or reliability of any information on this Website and/or any other website to which this Website may be linked.

Any person who accesses this Website or relies on this Website or on the information contained in this Website does so at his or her own risk. It shall be incumbent on such person to address any queries or misapprehension to Double Trouble (via the ‘Contact Us’ icon) and/or to visit the frequently asked questions (via the ‘FAQ’ icon) before proceeding with any reliance or transaction.

In addition to the disclaimers contained elsewhere in these Terms and Conditions, Double Trouble also makes no warranty or representation, whether express or implied, that the information or files available on this Website are free of viruses, spyware, malware, trojans, destructive materials or any other data or code (“Viruses”) which is able to corrupt, destroy, compromise or jeopardise the operation, stability, security functionality or content of your computer system, computer network, hardware or software (“Computer Equipment”) in any way.

Double Trouble does not accept any responsibility for any errors or omissions on this Website.


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